The Surface Pro 8 adopts most of the design tweaks Microsoft first tried out in the Surface Pro X in 2019. The first preorders will begin shipping on October 5, the day Windows 11 launches. The Surface Pro 8 is available for preorder today, and a version with a Core i5 CPU, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage will set you back $1,100 (plus the cost of a $180 Surface Pro Signature Keyboard cover and the $130 Surface Slim Pen 2, or $280 if you buy both).
It's the most significant (and also: only) redesign that the tablet has gotten since the Surface Pro 3 back in 2014. The new tablet includes a larger screen with a 120 Hz refresh rate, updated internal hardware, user-replaceable SSDs, and a pair of Thunderbolt 4 ports that replace the USB-C and USB-A ports in the previous model. Microsoft has officially announced the Surface Pro 8, and the rumors were pretty much on the money.