Don't press the keys : F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12 (this are wallhack atribute keys and when the admin will make you a picture,antiss will dezactivate only the wallhack,the rest will remain active (lambert,crosshair,etc) AntiSS.cfg must be the last config executed before entering the server Execute in console 'AntiSS.cfg' (exec AntiSS.cfg) then play. Start Counter-Strike (after the first game check the setting 'Auto Start Counter-Strike') I've introduced effects on closing,opening and on status display. all the bugs were fixed.I'm playing it for almost 1 month and I haven't got any problem
settings modifications (the nonimportant ones were deleted) you don't have to select anymore the 'hl.exe' file,it's destinations will be extracted from the process